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This review has been viewed 5004 times
Field report for Ruby of Milton Keynes
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Telephone: xxx-xxxx

Visit date: April 2016
The call was an Incall

Duration: 1 hour
Fees: £ 120

Recommended: Yes
Would Return: No

As she does in the one photo. About 5'6, size 10, large-ish boobs but everything in proportion. Late 20s.
Ruby's profile is accurate: She's a "local girl" who works on the side rather than a hardcore WG. She's easygoing, chatty and natural...not at all the pornstar or a professional. She can (and does) talk for England. She's pretty in a girl next door sort of way, but doesn't dress herself up like a Victoria's Secret model which is fine by me. She'll open the door in jeans and an old t-shirt. Sex follows a similar style; more "normal" sex than commercial punt. These are mainly all upsides in my view. Downsides are her location...a single bed in a small room in a group house in a not particularly appealing part of Bletchley and the fact I didn't find the whole encounter very exciting. I don't want to be overly critical of a nice enough girl, but it just felt like there was very little effort made to deliver a genuine service, which I expect for what I pay. But others may not feel that way. Another plus I should mention; she doesn't clock watch. All in all I am happy to recommend if what I've described sounds like a girl you would enjoy but in the end I wouldn't go back. It may be a lack of chemistry but I found meeting Ruby a bit meh...the whole thing was a bit of a non-event. Not a punt I got nothing out of at all but not one I think back on either.
This review cannot be guaranteed as 100% accurate in timings or verify any true identity and therefore may not be used for any legal account of any event actually taking place. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.
Report posted on 02:17 PM, 11-05-2016 by Flanker
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