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This review has been viewed 6609 times
Field report for Angel of The Hot Box Northampton.
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Telephone: 01604 373768

Visit date: 02.04.16 14.00
The call was an Incall

Duration: 2 Hours
Fees: £ 240

Recommended: Yes
Would Return: Yes

Petite just over 5 feet tall, very slender, brown eyes, generous lips, and lovely hair that falls in gentle waves to her shoulders. Oh yes a very generous bosom.
February was my last visit to the HotBox and it seemed a life time till the opportunity came to return. Angel is a rare lady in that she is recommended by other girls. With two recommendations from ladies i enjoy I had to meet Angel. What a lovely woman. She is listed as Argentinian, but that is her birth place she is Spanish. Lovely simmering latin passions and pleasures, but she is a red head with pale peach skin. I knew this was going to be a good time well spent from the first kiss. Open, natural, no urgency just relaxed and welcoming.
Angel has a very slender figure, well toned, with good shape and you just want to feast your eyes on her. Her face is classically beautiful, she is ageless. Her age is listed as in her thirties but with her petite frame you could easily place her ten years younger.
The initimate part. Well that is for you to discover yourself, one thing do not rush, enjoy the sensual feel of her feet, and fingers, you may get a pleasant surprise. If Angel is happy she will slip into Spanish, it is a real joy. Angel is very skilled with massage and at the end of our meeting Angel gave me a lovely shower too. A lovely lady, one of the Hot Boxs special treats to be enjoyed if you get the opportunity. I hope to see her again.
This review cannot be guaranteed as 100% accurate in timings or verify any true identity and therefore may not be used for any legal account of any event actually taking place. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.
Report posted on 09:03 AM, 03-04-2016 by grateful gentleman
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