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Field report for Holly Macy - Holly`s Retreat of Rudyard, N. Staffs
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Telephone: none

Visit date: 20 March, 3.00 pm
The call was an Incall

Duration: 3 hours
Fees: £ £300

Recommended: Yes
Would Return: Yes

The Pay As You Go Girlfriend
MEETING with Holly Macy on 20th March at Holly`s Retreat, near Rudyard, Staffs, at 3.00pm
3 hours for £300

Holly`s Retreat (her home) is a delightfully higgledy-piggledy chalet home built on the steeply sloping side of a large lake; no two rooms are on the same level, and she calls it her Hobbit House. It is approached by a mile of private road, and has its own small parking space at the front.

Holly is a delightful girl with a lovely smile, eyes like two blue limpid pools in which one could happily drown, and a gorgeous figure which one can hardly keep one`s hands off. She was casually dressed in a sort of dress which only registered when it slipped to show her lovely cleavage or rose to expose her very shapely thighs.

After a few kisses and a cuddle or to, and also after an hour`s drive, I was happy to accept the proffered mug of tea which we drank sitting on the rich leather chesterfield in front of the flames of the log fire in the fireplace.

I should mention that I have known Holly for over 3 years, so our meetings usually start with a bit of a gossip, but before long Holly was leading me off to her bedroom with its fur rugs and luxurious super king size bed. As I undressed Holly left the room, but by the time I was in bed she returned wearing the most erotic set of next-to-nothings I have ever seen; she turned on her cd player to some equally erotic music and began to sway and undulate in a seductive dance, slowly divesting herself of her next-to-nothings as she danced; by the time she was down to her flimsy panties I could wait no longer, and reached out and yanked them off while I dragged her onto the bed, where we began an orgy of the deepest deep French kissing (at which Holly is an expert) and much exploratory finger work, during which Holly suddenly orgasmed, followed by exploratory tongue work, which brought Holly`s delicious pink nipples to glorious erection, and another orgasm and finally the main bout.

Now I know that Holly is an adept at just about every known position for sexual congress, but my joints are getting stiffer, and we settled for my favourite – a sort of missionary-on-its-side, Holly with her knees drawn up and me between them, my lower arm around her to hold her close and my upper free to roam all over her exposed body. I can recommend this position as it allows deep penetration, very close contact, kissing, and a free hand to wander anywhere it will. Starting gently and easily, we soon got into a perfect rhythm which soon resulted in Holly`s orgasm (there is no mistaking Holly`s orgasm – apart from the noise you feel every twitch and squeeze on your knob and you need plenty of willpower). A short rest, then more movement and Holly soon came again, and I managed to coax a further three from her before my willpower failed, and I exploded inside her. Then we lay and rested a while, but two naked people in bed together, and fingers and mouths will wander, and Holly had two more oral orgasms before we finished.

Then, off to the hot tub for half an hour or so (with more tea of course), and the luxury of lying in the warm water in the open air, looking out over the lake, and still enjoying the presence of a sleek female body rubbing gently against one.

I sang as I drove all the way home, dreamed about her all night, and woke up with an erection that didn`t want to go away. That`s what I CALL a date.
This review cannot be guaranteed as 100% accurate in timings or verify any true identity and therefore may not be used for any legal account of any event actually taking place. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.
Report posted on 12:36 PM, 31-03-2014 by Oldstager
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