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This review has been viewed 6011 times
Field report for Ella of Soft Touch Bodyworks - Northampton
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Telephone: 01604 752390

Visit date: 19/09/2013 18:15
The call was an Incall

Duration: 60 minutes
Fees: £ raffle pri

Recommended: Yes
Would Return: Yes

Flawless body and beautiful
Soft Touch is well reported for its clean and comfortable rooms. The nuru room has a massage couch and play area for the main event, en suite shower and a music player for some background noise.
Ella is the complete package. I have known more beautiful women, I have seen better figures (maybe), I doubt I have met someone as passionate or with such enthusiasm and zest for life with her beauty and incredible body, my only negative is I had to leave her behind.
She left me to shower and returned while I was drying off with an offer of help. An actual massage was the first order of business which was firm and enjoyable as well as playful. With my mind cleared from daily drudgery it was time to focus on the reason for going. We shared a shower before the nuru adventure, my third and best. This one was uninhibited fun with no sense of which body part belonged to who and the occasional meeting of lips.
What followed was the most amazing, passionate experience I have enjoyed in many years. The orgasm was not the end of the punt, she stayed with me and washed me in the shower with more teasing, kissing and bending over.
A tough act to follow and when I'm dumped dribbling in the nursing home, this memory will be the cause of my dribbling.

Thanks Adderz and Tara for the raffle. Ella, you made an old man very happy, thank you.
This review cannot be guaranteed as 100% accurate in timings or verify any true identity and therefore may not be used for any legal account of any event actually taking place. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.
Report posted on 08:10 PM, 19-09-2013 by davjohn
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