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This review has been viewed 8143 times
Field report for Natalie of Temptations - Milton Keynes
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Telephone: 01908 232202 or 07554 639002

Visit date: Tuesday 13th August 4pm
The call was an Incall

Duration: 45 mins
Fees: £ 30

Recommended: Yes
Would Return: Yes

Sexy, Slim little redeaded bundle of fun

I was lucky enough to win the July raffle on Punterchat which gave me a free 30 minute appointment with my choice of girl at Temptations in Milton Keynes as the prize

After a few checks of the Temptations website I eventually decided that Natalie was gonna be my choice

I made a preliminary booking by private message then called on the day to book.

I arrived for my appointment at 4pm and was welcomed and ushered in by the very friendly Autumn who greeted me with a "Hello handsome! " which whilst may not be the truth is always a lift :) This was then followed by her giving me a gentle poke to the belly... not sure what that was about, perhaps she found me irresistable and just had to touch me for herself lol

As I would be visiting during working hours I asked if I would be able to shower first as I would not be at my freshest which I was told I could without a problem.

I was then ushered into a basic but clean and pleasant room and offered a complimentary refreshment.

Autumn informed me that Natalie would be available in a few minutes and as I would like a shower asked if it would be ok for Natalie to share a shower with me. Well who am I to argue and went along with this :-)

A few minutes later the door opened and in walked Natalie who introduced herself then proceeded to snog me to which I did not put up a struggle.

She then showed me to the shower area and we both undressed. This is the point a started to feel a little nervous, however the sight of Natalie's slim, naked, wet body sharp changed that to excitement and it started to become visually apparent as the little fella started to show some interest.

Natalie was very chatty without being too much and helped me gently to wash myself and herself throwing in the odd snog here and there.

Then after a quick towel down it was back into the bed room where Natalie started by snogging me on the bed.

She then asked what I liked to whichh I replied "Whatever you like to do !"

With a quick response of "I like to please a man" she pushed me slowly on to my back and started giving me a very nice blow job.

After enjoying this for some time I asked if she would mind if I "returned the favour" to which she happily obliged.

Kissing my way down from her neck, over her tits and down her tummy I arrived at her sweet delight and started sucking on her clitoris whilst gently entering her with my finger then using my tongue in her entrance. BLISS ! What a sweet tasting little haven.

After a while of enjoying this Natalie then took me in her warm sweet moist mouth for a time which very nearly broguht me to a climex which Natalie recognised so asked if I wanted to slow things down a little ?

Natalie then unwrapped a condom and got me dressed for the occassion before lowering herself on to me.

Again, Natalie was very enthusiastic and I could feel the tip of my little fella touching her insides as she rode me deep.

She then asked if I would like to "Fuck her whilst bent over on the bed?"

Well it would be rude not to wouldn't it ?

We respositioned with Natalie in doggy postiion with me taking her from behind which was both an incredible view and feeling. Pushing her slightly forward so that I was almost laying on top of her got me into a postion whcih was such a good feeling that it wasn;t long before I let go and came inside her.

For a while we just laid there and chatted for a short while before Natalie offered to give me a back rub. I gladly accepted and before long Natalie was walking up and down my back :)

Though I had been lucky enough to win this prize as a 30 minute appointment, I had the foresight to upgrade this to a 45 min at the beginning so there was time left for another go.

Natalie then started on another VERY enthusiasic blow job which after a few minutes into she turned and positioned herself so that we were in a 69 position.

Having this gorgeous little thing sucking away like a dyson whilst at the same time pushing her ittle haven onto my face was absolutley incredible !

Having worked her magic, this ended with me letting go of all my remaining 'little Nighmares' into her mouth and Natalie kept going for a little while longer until I had reached such a state of hightened sensitivity that I really could not take any more.

She then came back up to snog me for a while before cleaning me up and the session was over :(

I then got dressed and left with a smile on my face that was there for the rest of the day.

To summarise,

Natalie is a very sexy, slim and enthusiastic (sex loving midget - her words) who not I not only enjoyed great sex with, but also seem really good banter which ended up in a few good few laughs and at one point she even commented "You're not supposed to make me laugh in the middle of a blow job!"

Great fun and a great appointment.

Thanks very much to Adderz for making this possible, to Autumn at Temptations for offering this as a prize and most definitely to Natalie for making it a great and memorable time.

(£30 fee for upgrade )
This review cannot be guaranteed as 100% accurate in timings or verify any true identity and therefore may not be used for any legal account of any event actually taking place. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.
Report posted on 11:16 AM, 18-08-2013 by Nightmare
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