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This review has been viewed 5068 times
Field report for Miss La Creme of Birmingham
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Telephone: 07583 689758

Visit date: 06/07/2013 14:00
The call was an Incall

Duration: 30 mins
Fees: £ 60

Recommended: No
Would Return: No

Old hag
I was greeted by Penelope and my first thought was it might be my punts mother or a maid, sadly neither. When I am expecting a slim, nubile 39 year old woman and I'm faced with Grotbags herself I was slightly bewitched, like a rabbit caught in the headlights I forgot to run.
Her place: a dingy room at the top of some stairs. While suffering the effects of too much sun I parted with £60, stripped and sat on the edge of the bed and nearly went straight through it! The whole punt I could hear two people having a conversation and the door was wide open. I half expected someone to walk in and offer us a cup of tea.
The service: OWO, like someone trying to suck McMilkshake through a straw when they have sensitive teeth. Despite being deprived, horny and half a Kamagra there seemed little signs of life in litlejohn, I would close my eyes and imagine sexy thoughts and then open them and she was still there and the recurring image was that of Robert Shaw's last moments in Jaws.
Having been there for a good five minutes and not come she was beginning to get a little impatient and for all her years of experience, charm and guile her best response was, "Do it yourself for a while."
When I did eventually rise to the occasion I really didn't want to have sex with her and thought I would enjoy a proper deep throat bj with CIM, not something she does...
On with the condom and after 30 seconds a car horn sounds outside and like any nosy old woman she jumps up to see who it is.... I dressed and left.
If you like old women with fake tits then Penelope is your woman.
This review cannot be guaranteed as 100% accurate in timings or verify any true identity and therefore may not be used for any legal account of any event actually taking place. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.
Report posted on 06:53 PM, 06-07-2013 by davjohn
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