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This review has been viewed 5196 times
Field report for Katryn Brunette of Coventry
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Telephone: 07570 582177

Visit date: 27/04/13 19:30
The call was an Incall

Duration: 60 mins
Fees: £ 70

Recommended: No
Would Return: No

Amazonian goddess
Absolutely stunning. 5'10", long dark hair, fit body (curvy but in no way fat).
The highlights of the phone call before I booked were, "I do sexy massage, OWO and French kissing." When I asked about anal she said it was something she didn't do, fair enough, but why put at discretion on the profile?
The sexy massage consisted of her rubbing her nipple on the end of Littlejohn and making moaning sounds for about a minute. She then asked if I would like oral. The anticipation of those beautiful lips and delicate mouth was as good as it got, I smiled and nodded. Up she gets for the condom, "What about OWO?" I asked, she doesn't do it.
What follows is the most uninspiring bj I have ever experienced, to make matters worse she positioned herself in such a way as the only thing I could touch were her legs. There I lay stroking the inside of her thighs while she is bobbing and licking and then stops to complain about me stroking her legs.
We are now up to five minutes into the punt and she asks if I want sex. I sat up against the headboard while she lubed up. This was when the punt went bad. She climbs on top and starts a little motion, I leaned into her to explore this beautiful body and she asks if I want to change position so that I can do the work. I said, "No," so she climbs off and starts ranting and rowing with me in the middle of the bed.
By now Littlejohn is in fight or flight mode and I'm trying to figure if there is any way I can ask for my money back and get out of there.
Eventually the situation calmed down and we lay there trying to revive matters. I tried a little conversation and although she spoke good English she wasn't interested in being polite so I suggested we try her sexy massage again. Greeted with a heavy sigh and still barely 15 minutes into the punt things started moving in the right direction again.
She got up to get another condom and replied to a couple text messages while she was there. Finally we got some doggie going which was as passionless as the bj.
As for the FK, she cringed when I touched her body so I dare not even try kissing any part of her let alone her lips. In total I was there for less than half an hour and to add to the joys of the night I picked up a speeding ticket which is £60 I will enjoy spending as much.
This review cannot be guaranteed as 100% accurate in timings or verify any true identity and therefore may not be used for any legal account of any event actually taking place. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.
Report posted on 08:01 AM, 27-04-2013 by davjohn
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