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This review has been viewed 7541 times
Field report for Kinkster of Manchester
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Telephone: 07933613020

Visit date: 5/1/13 11am
The call was an Incall

Duration: 1hr
Fees: £ 0

Recommended: Yes
Would Return: Yes

Punterchat Competition Win

Couldnt belive my luck when I won last months competition for 2 x 1hr incalls with Kink`s, having never won anything before including a tenner on the lottery.
When I got over the initial shock, I pm`d her on here, thanking her and propsed the above time and date which was quickly acknowleged.
A phone call confirmed, then the scene was set.
I had seen Kinkster before, so knew that taking the full 2 hrs all at once wasnt an option for me, as I would be dead by the end of it, I was right too !!.
I arrived at the alloted time and was given the apartment number by phone.
I had forgotten how tall and slim she is, wearing white bra and thong as requested, but they didnt stay on very long.
Kinkster is a very friendly, funny, down to earth girl who knows excactly what she wants, and isnt afraid to tell you how to give it her.
What folllowed was a fantastic hour of unbridled rampantness. The fact that it was a freebie had no bearing on her determination to give me the best time ever.
She had already told me I was her christmas present to herself, and she was going to use me as her "sex toy", this turned out to be absolutely true !!
I was meant to be helping a relative in the afternoon with some diy, but my legs still wouldnt work properly at 3pm, so gave it up as a bad job in the end.
A great hour with a great great girl.
Thanks Kink`s, cant wait for round 2, although I may need some time to recover beforehand.
Thanks also to Adderz for organising the raffles. As Im sure you can imagine, im all in favour of them !!!
This review cannot be guaranteed as 100% accurate in timings or verify any true identity and therefore may not be used for any legal account of any event actually taking place. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.
Report posted on 08:58 AM, 06-01-2013 by bigmc
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