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This review has been viewed 5750 times
Field report for Claire of TWL Bury
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Telephone: 01617625379

Visit date: Friday 7th January
The call was an Incall

Duration: 60 mins
Fees: £ £110

Recommended: Yes
Would Return: Yes

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Having seen her for a half hour in December and been very impressed, I decided to give the hour a go. A wise decision. This girl knows how to pace a booking and gave full value. She is Greek and this shows in her appearance - the archetypal Mediterranean beauty - dark, flashing eyes, dark hair, a slim but full figure, not too tall - just the right size for me.
She recognised me from the previous occasion and expressed pleasure to see me. Without hesitation we were in a close, warm embrace and exchanged kisses and caresses. This is GFE of the best kind. After ten minutes or so, she said she knew where she wanted my tongue to be, so into the first round of RO. Like so many I find this very pleasurable with the right girl, and this was very good indeed, culminating in her wet climax. This was no fake, i'm sure. The roles were then reversed and she administered a skillful OWO which almost brought me to climax - but I was determined to hold on. A few minutes relaxation followed in each others arms. This was no mid-punt lull, but an episode when with heightened senses one can pause on a plateau of sheer delight. A further round of RO ensued in various positions, firstly with her on top and then with her lying on her back. There was a lot of rimming of her magnificent bum and perineum. To my surprise and perhaps to hers, she climaxed again with my finger up her pussy, for which she asked. She may be a fine actress or she can gush to order. I like to think it was genuine, she was convincing enough. Then came my turn to receive attention and she skillfully brought me to attention and suitably glad I took her in doggie to my extreme satisfaction. We lingered a while in this position savouring the moment, then came the unhurried cleaning up, shower, settling up and sexy goodbye kisses. This was a memorable session for me, the best so far this year, also the first btw. This was an encounter to be repeated - who knows when. Recommended without reservation
This review cannot be guaranteed as 100% accurate in timings or verify any true identity and therefore may not be used for any legal account of any event actually taking place. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.
Report posted on 09:32 AM, 13-01-2011 by
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