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This review has been viewed 8852 times
Field report for Candy of Sandys Superstars - Manchester
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Telephone: 0161 773 5030

Visit date: 23/01/2012 2:40pm
The call was an Incall

Duration: 15 mins
Fees: £ 60

Recommended: No
Would Return: No

overall a poor punt with a good looking young and lithe lady.
I was very much taken by her pictures showing that she had a finely toned slim body and looked forward to the punt. However expectations did not live up to reality and a had a very poor punt with Candy resulting in me seeing no point in continuing and leaving after 10-15 mins.

I arrived in good time and awaited my booking. The previous punter had left by Candy remained in the room for a further 10 mins until the runner called for her. I took the towels and entered the room taking a shower and awaiting Candy to enter the room. She arrived after a couple of minutes and we briefly chatted while I finished drying off. She was also busy texting on her phone. We settled cash first and then I hopped on the bed went to kiss and after a couple of peck sort of directed me to her neck. I pulled back a little and checked if she offered kissing ( I was under the impression she did), the answer was “no, I don’t even kiss my boyfriend with tongues”. This is something I find very hard to believe. No matter it is her right to offer what services she provides.

She quickly stripped off and did some cock sucking. It was rather mediocre and she kept switching between that and give me kiss pecks. The up shot of which was both were detrimental to each other… The punt was rapidly going downhill and it was not sure how it could be turned around.

She had her legs closed so I moved to open them and play with her pussy but was told not to put any fingers in. Again not a problem with her having discretion to offer what she wished but it was building up a picture of many things being off limits and a general lack of enthusiasm and an emphasis on not wanting to be touched.

After the mediocre blowjob was not having an effect on my dick she swapped around to offer me a view of her pussy as she frigged herself off a bit. However no interaction with myself was going on.

About 10 mins in, I had no sexual feelings going on at all and my cock was limp and nothing was happening. I thought, shall I try a bit more owo and go for sex and though.. “nah, I could be here all day and it is not going to happen”. I decided to call an end to the punt and get dressed and left. Total time in the room for me, somewhere around 10-15 mins.

I am not a shouty person and do not kick off or get angry and accept it was a poor punt. I genuinely thought “is it me am I just not aroused at the moment?” but 20 mins later driving hope I had a stiffy on. A possible lack of chemistry and a failure to click.. Yes that is for sure. Candy was not rude in any way but the whole feeling emanating from her, was “don’t touch me”, probably the wrong job to think that. Most of the girls I have seen in the room have just had more energy about them, much more relaxed and generally more fun. It is the first time I have left a punt early.
This review cannot be guaranteed as 100% accurate in timings or verify any true identity and therefore may not be used for any legal account of any event actually taking place. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.
Report posted on 04:46 PM, 23-01-2012 by fatbrian
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