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Field report for Blake of Bournemouth
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Website: Blake123471 on AW
Telephone: 07435121930

Visit date: 16/07/2019
The call was an Incall

Duration: 1 hour
Fees: £ 140

Recommended: Yes
Would Return: Yes

A stunning statuesque beauty. Great figure, fantastic tits, a backside that screams "bang me hard" and best of all a truly beautiful face.
Blake was co-hosting a party for six guests with her friend the equally stunning Serena. Two chaperones were in attendance to welcome the guests, deal with the money and hand out drinks. We all changed in to the light robes provided and chatted away seated in the lounge until the magic moment arrived – the girls made their entrance. Both were scantily attired in white lingerie showing us immediately that there was nothing fake in their photo galleries. They went counterwise round the room greeting each and every guest with a full-on kiss and a gentle touch on the thigh. I had met Serena several times and knew that she kissed for real. So did Blake. Within a second of “hello” I felt her her tongue deep in my mouth. On withdrawal she smiled and flashed her eyes at me. Something stirred under my robe.

Greetings done, B and S put on a little girl-girl action show. Standing, they kissed and touched each other, their tongues performing a flickering paso doble. Then they unleashed four fabulous tits for our viewing pleasure, kissing, caressing, displaying what was coming our way. Out of the corner of my eye I glimpsed hands moving towards cocks, mine was finding its way past the constraints of my robe unaided. There was a blanket-covered coffee table in front of the couches. Blake, who had entered the room knickerless, laid down on it, thighs parted, and Serena knelt to use her tongue on different lips. This proved to be too much for some of the by now very excited guests and hands reached out to feel Serena's fabulous backside. The guy to my left jumped off his seat to attend to Blake's big beautiful tits. I decided to join him. Serena was gently dragged away from her cunnilingual duties by three guys more than ready to give her some very personal attention. I immediately stepped into the vacated position to get the best view in the house. I gently parted Blake's love petals to reveal a glistening interior of the deepest pink. My mind became instantly focused. I grabbed a condom from one of the chaperones, sheathed up, got on the coffee table and gently but firmly pushed my cock into her. She gave me another flashing smile. Now, for me, the first time with a new vagina is always a special experience. With a woman who looks like Blake it is EXTRA SPECIAL.We kissed as we fucked which made it all the more enjoyable. When I mentioned that I found the coffee table was very hard on my knees she turned over on to hers. I now had the second best view in the house and took full advantage of it banging up against two perfectly rounded firm buttocks. A couple of observers, cocks in hand, were clearly keen to have that experience too, so after a decently respectful amount of time, I withdrew.

Having changed condoms I then turned my attentions to the wonderful Serena. After some lounge action we moved to her bedroom where I revelled in a dp session with two other guests, one of whom was a dp virgin (as I had been with her about three years earlier). When I eventually went back in to the lounge to get a drink Blake was on a couch, one leg resting up on the back and the other up in the air. Between them was one of the smaller guests banging her for all he was worth. Her bobbing tits looked a little lonely so I went to keep them company. B reached out and took my cock in hand, pulling it towards her mouth. It was so wonderfully warm and wet in there I wished I had had an engagement ring handy. When her temporary paramour left the bower of her loins she stayed in the same legspread position and smiled at me again. I called for condom number three.

Back in the bedroom, with Serena (and C4), I was just about hard enough to dock* with Love Tunnel 2 for a solo with one of my all-time favourites. I ran out of steam before I wanted to so took a break to enjoy watching her doing her thing with two other guys for a while. Needing another drink I re-entered the lounge. Blake was now on her knees, her head oscillating in the vertical axis. Her play partner had a “I cannot believe a woman like this is SUCKING ME OFF” look on his face.Yeah. When I took his place she got my cock vertical again but by now it was in that peculiar de-sensitized yet erect state that made ejaculation virtually impossible, despite her admirably valiant efforts. A great end to proceedings nonetheless. I don't remember ever having a more beautiful face so close to my cock.
This was a great party with two sensational party girls. Absolutely non-stop fucking. B and S were on their backs or their knees for the whole of it. Worth every penny and all the mileage. I do hope there will be a repeat sometime.

I will be seeing Blake for a 1 on 1 as soon as I can arrange it.

* It's all those Moon programmes
This review cannot be guaranteed as 100% accurate in timings or verify any true identity and therefore may not be used for any legal account of any event actually taking place. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.
Report posted on 07:33 AM, 25-07-2019 by vagina miner
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