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This review has been viewed 7384 times
Field report for Stacey (StaceyJordan on AW) of Leicester
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Telephone: available after booking

Visit date: 28/04/2019
The call was an Outcall

Duration: 1 hour
Fees: £ 120

Recommended: Yes
Would Return: Yes

Stacey is a gorgeous looking young woman. Lovely face, red hair, beautiful blue eyes, really kissable lips, slim, petite and she has a backside that screams "spank me, spank me". Guess what?
Stacey arrived wearing a simple clingy black dress and looking gorgeously sexy. I had met her once before about seven months back and wanted to have a catch up chat over a cup of tea. This proved to be quite difficult. The black dress kept sliding up her thighs every time she moved and my concentration level plummeted with each glimpse of gusset. Was she being deliberately provocative (admirably professional) or was she unaware (delightfully sweet) ? Either way the conversation became ever more desultory as my mind quickly filled with lustful intent. I had asked her to bring along the very short skirt that features in her private gallery. She removed the dress and put on the skirt and did some posing for me. WOW. This girl has a fabulous arse and it demanded and got my best attentions. I then removed her bra, said hello to her lovely frontal bumps and enjoyed a really full on snog with her sitting on my knee.
At my request she got on the bed, head down, back arched and buns up. I eased her panties down those wonderful thighs and stood back to admire the view, one of the most stimulating a man* could ever wish for. Now “fortunately” I had had the prescience to have brought some baby oil with me. I applied it lovingly until both cheeks were shiny pillows of desire. They became shiny pink-blushed pillows after a slightly less than gentle spanking. So erotic. Then it was time for a different view.
Stacey turned over on to her back and spread her thighs. I knelt, my head right in front of her beautiful vulva. An extended cunnilingual feast followed. Her breathing, whimpers and sighs seemed to signal that my teasing efforts were pleasing her. When her hands reached to pull my head towards her I knew for certain she was not faking. The involuntary jerks and moans that came after confirmed that. The lady juice was mighty good. Such a rewarding experience with such a young woman.
She then gave me a delightful reciprocal return of favour, her mouth warm, wet and wonderful on and around my swollen cock, unforgettable images to take home. We finished with Stacey on top riding me for all she was worth (another lovely homebound image).
Her efforts, by the way, were successful.

*well most men.
This review cannot be guaranteed as 100% accurate in timings or verify any true identity and therefore may not be used for any legal account of any event actually taking place. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.
Report posted on 01:57 PM, 30-04-2019 by vagina miner
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