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This review has been viewed 7200 times
Field report for Ruth of London
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Telephone: 07849574668

Visit date: 02/03/2019
The call was an Incall

Duration: 1 hour
Fees: £ 170

Recommended: Yes
Would Return: Yes

She is exactly as she describes and appears in her profile, deliciously feminine and sexy. She wore a nicely fitting dress with a small Her face is so gazeworthy (I hope I didn't gawp) that I did not immediately start to wonder what she had on underneath.
Ruth greeted me with a smile, a kiss and warm friendly welcome. She looked exactly like she does in her photos, petite and so deliciously feminine. Her face is wonderfully full of character with beautiful eyes and lips, it reminded me somewhat of Jeanne Moreau. It was not just her looks that had attracted me. Her profile describes a woman of many facets and I wanted to learn about them every bit as much as I wanted to enjoy her physical charms. We chatted for a good 10 minutes or so over cups of tea and I feasted my eyes and filled my senses whilst listening to frank and fascinating stories about her uncommon lifestyle and background. When she had emptied her teacup she got up from her chair, came over to mine and gave me a devastatingly sensual open mouthed kiss. Conversation went on hold, it was time to get sexual.
After some deeply stimulating kissing I asked if I could help her out of her dress. It was off in seconds. Ruth has a wonderfully slim and toned athletic body (she trains daily for a competitive sport) and she looked sensational in her tasteful underwear with stockings and suspenders adorning her shapely legs. I was captivated all over again. In bed she did everything I would have wanted from a real girlfriend and it was clear to me that she is determined to get as good as she gives. I was only too happy to do what I could to help her. Afterwards we re-engaged in more rewarding conversation, this time with kisses and cuddles, before it was time for me to take my leave.
I really hope to see Ruth again despite the fact that we live 230 miles apart. The Lake District offers the prospect of some fabulous views outdoors to rival the ones I now know I would get indoors. She is a rather special lady.

Note: Ruth was on a visit to London. She normally works in south Cumbria
This review cannot be guaranteed as 100% accurate in timings or verify any true identity and therefore may not be used for any legal account of any event actually taking place. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.
Report posted on 04:24 PM, 12-03-2019 by vagina miner
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