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This review has been viewed 7446 times
Field report for LUCY HOT UK BLONDE of Knutsford
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Telephone: 07462702889

Visit date: October 18
The call was an Incall

Duration: 1 hour
Fees: £ 150

Recommended: No
Would Return: No

Blonde fuck doll looking
Lucy was working out of a hotel near knutsford just off the motorway. I’d sent her a text at eleven and by half twelve I was knocking on her hotel door. As soon as it opened I recognised her. I don’t think she remembered me. She was a girl I’d seen two or three years ago. It was a positive meet but I was a bit disappointed now as I prefer to see new girls. She’s a good looking woman though so I bit the bullet.

She welcomed me in and we sat and chatted. She was dressed in high heels, stockings, a short gingham dress and a blouse tied up revealing her midriff, which was nothing like I’d requested. I’m not keen on a schooly look. I’d made a dress request of heels, bare legs and a Saturday night out sort of look. She obviously paid no attention to that. That said she has a fantastic body. She’s slender, long legs and big bolt on boobs. She’s got a real fuck doll sort of looking body which I like. Unfortunately she’s being ridiculous in claiming she’s twenty eight. I had her down as mid to late thirties when I saw her three or so years ago. She’d be far better off marketing herself off as a hot milf. Don’t get me wrong she’s an attractive looking woman but no way still in her twenties. Anyway I left the readies on the side and went for a shower and here is where it really went down hill. As I’m showering she came into the bathroom and said there’s only 130 here. Luckily I had some more cash with me so I handed her a twenty. It really was a school boy error on my part. I’m not saying she rolled me over but I should of counted it out in front of her. It niggled me throughout the punt as I kept playing it through my mind when I counted it out in the car just before I went up.

We started standing with light kissing, she then squatted down and started sucking my cock. That was very good and we soon moved onto the bed where she carried on. I just laid back and watched her working on my cock, very pleasurable indeed. She then peeled off her clothes and she has got a fantastic body, no two ways about it. Her boobs are false and some might not like them as they are quite hard and bolt on but I very much like that myself. We swapped around to me licking her out and she’s clean and shaven. Onto 69 and then some mutual playing with each other lying side by side. Unfortunately the kissing is very light and there was a faint smell of cigarettes. To be fair though it’s very rare to find a WG that doesn’t.

On with the condom and she climbed on top to start. We fucked all over the bed in numerous positions and even stood up against the dressing table mirror at one point, but to be honest she’s a bit passive and I thought she seemed at times distracted. Images of Jane Fonda faking it in Klute went through my mind. It was lacking oomph. Eventually I pulled the condom off and she had a half arsed attempt at getting me to cum with her hands so I eventually finished myself off. Immediately she jumped up and got me some wet wipes and asked if I wanted a shower. I got the feeling it was time for me to go. There was about fifteen minutes left and as I came out she was getting ready to get in the shower herself. Bade her goodbye and left.

To sum up.

Good looking woman but ridiculous age claim.
Ignored dress request.
The money issue. Well there’s not much I can say about that. I could of made a mistake counting it out. I should of counted it in front of her.
The sex had highlights but no proper kissing and was mediocre overall and not worth that sort of cash.
Seemed to want me gone quick so I suspect her next client wasn’t far behind.

The trudge back to the car said it all really.
This review cannot be guaranteed as 100% accurate in timings or verify any true identity and therefore may not be used for any legal account of any event actually taking place. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.
Report posted on 02:13 PM, 13-10-2018 by Border Terrier
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