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This review has been viewed 7663 times
Field report for Stacey of Leicester
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Telephone: see AW profile (StaceyJordan)

Visit date: 04/09/2018
The call was an Incall

Duration: 1 hour
Fees: £ 120

Recommended: Yes
Would Return: Yes

Stacey is a beautiful petite red-head with a superb natural figure. She is very young looking and in my opinion could pass for as young as sixteen.
I have been looking sometime for a motivation to get fit again. Today I found one and her name is Stacey. If ever there was a woman who deserved a man's very best efforts and stamina it is this one.

She greeted me wearing, as requested, a beautifully fitting dress showing off her wonderfully pert figure and it was short enough to give me a discreet flash of gusset when she sat down for a chat. The view I had, that beautiful face framed with red hair and those legs showing me the road to paradise combined with her very natural girlish charm, very quickly filled my senses. The conversation did not last long. I asked her to stand up in front of me and slowly draw up the hem of her dress. When she turned and bent over for me I saw for the first time what is possibly the most perfect backside ever. I kissed it appreciatively and my passions started to rise There was no time to waste. We had a quick standing snog and grope and then it was off to the bedroom.

Within less than a minute Stacey, now dressless, was supine on the bed, thighs parted and I was kneeling in supplication. After a few teasingly light kisses and tongue flicks, off came her knickers and the serious business of pleasuring a woman began in earnest. It did not take long for this girl to come. Juice flowed freely (and tastily) as she reacted noisily and animatedly to my endeavours. I had pleased her.

She then pleased me. Lots of details are not required here. She did everything I asked of her with total enthusiasm and freedom. It was all I had hoped for and more. She certainly likes to get as well as give and is not shy about saying what she wants. I tried my very best for her and judging by the further abundant wetness that was being generated, I was reasonably successful. After a standing doggy and a shallow doggy I ran out of steam and lay back for a bit more chat. Five minutes later she had my steam back up to pressure and I was put back into action for a second noisy session. Wonderful. However I really do need to get fitter if I am going to keep up with this girl in future meetings.

This for me was an exceptional first meeting especially considering how young and inexperienced Stacey is (she entertained her very first client only 3 days earlier). She looks and sounds so young that referring to her as a woman rather than a girl feels a bit odd. She is both. She is woman child, she is young coquette, she is sex-kitten. She is an absolute gem.

As a rule I prefer to see women quite bit older than Stacey but her photos really got me. I am so glad that I did not resist temptation. At no time during our hour together did I think her enthusiasm was other than genuine, or her reactions in any way fake, and her kisses were for real. I think that she might have found her true vocation. I intend to see lots more of her.
This review cannot be guaranteed as 100% accurate in timings or verify any true identity and therefore may not be used for any legal account of any event actually taking place. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.
Report posted on 09:35 PM, 05-09-2018 by vagina miner
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