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Field report for Joy of Nattaya massage.
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Telephone: 01617955649

Visit date: 10/8/17 5pm
The call was an Incall

Duration: 1hour
Fees: £ 25

Recommended: Yes
Would Return: Yes

Photo on site
[b][u]10th August 5pm Massage 1.[/u][/b]

I purchased a VIP card the previous week so today was £25. Arranged to see Joy after reading good things arbout her on here, entered the room, she asked me what I wanted I said soft, as I'm lying down, she asked me how I knew to ask for her as she didn't recognise me. I told her "my friend" had recommended her for her b2b, thought this would lead us into the direction I was looking for.
She started on my back with lots of oil & was going really well, she uses her elbows/forearms to good use on legs moving up, spreading my legs, this is where I thought it was going to get good.
The turnover came & she put a towel over me, I told her I was ok without but she said it's ok, I realised afterwards that, this was my opportunity to move in the desired direction, I didn't, so she carried on massaging my legs, then 10 minutes left what would I like massaging now? Head or chest, so I said chest, still expecting something more to come up, it didn't. So during the massage I asked her the price for b2b for next time.
This massage was good & not painful at all as some Thai massages can be, now I know I just need to tell the girl what I want, either hints don't work or she just ignored them. After the massive did think about asking if she was available for another hour, but I had a time limit & couldn't carry on.

[b][u]11th August, 10:45am. Massage 2.[/u][/b]

I managed to have an opportunity for another hour the following day, so called up & had a conversation with Joy on the phone, she was answering in 3rd person until the end when I realised it was her & she said, "ok, see you soon."
When I entered she was a bit confused, but went with it, £30 with the VIP card today. In the room she asked if I wanted the same as the previous day, so I said I'd like to try the b2b, she was ok & said she had to just do the back massage. Again good, this time though, clothes off & she was back with a great b2b. It all felt good, then the turnover where it went even better. The whole massage got me to the edge, she eventually left me VERY happy. ;D

Overall very good, I will return, I'm looking forward to it, although when I'm not sure. If I could afford it, I'd be there at least once a week.
This review cannot be guaranteed as 100% accurate in timings or verify any true identity and therefore may not be used for any legal account of any event actually taking place. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.
Report posted on 02:10 AM, 17-08-2017 by jammy
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