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This review has been viewed 5468 times
Field report for Marie of Benidorm
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Website: None
Telephone: None

Visit date: 7th July 2017
The call was an Incall

Duration: 30 MINUTES
Fees: £ 60 euro

Recommended: Yes
Would Return: Yes

Short,stocky,shoulder length light brown curly hair.Typical Spaniard
I had a few beers and was on my way back to my hotel about midnight.I usually stay in the Pelicanos and know that I often have to run what I call 'the gauntlet of the gobblers.' There is often a black pussy posse waiting opposite.'I suck your cock for €20.' The reception is usually watched like a lioness with its cubs so I always decline their generous offers.On top of that many of these girls are trafficked and I am very,very uncomfortable with that.
Before I got to them I felt a tap on my elbow.A Spanish MILF.I do like to try different types of lady and a typical Spaniard was a new one.She couldn't speak much English but the language of love is universal of course.I don't usually pick up street workers but,well,I do enjoy new experiences.
Reception was under siege so I got her in the lift okay.Bit of French kissing.A smoker.Uhh.Got to my room and I let her see we were alone.Big smile.Agreed and paid the fee.Bigger smile.
She wanted to use the bathroom.No problem.I followed her in as she dropped her shorts and ascended the throne.I gave my best mate a thorough wash while she watched.Dried him down and then introduced him to Marie's mouth.She was pleased to meet him and made him welcome but wet.
Back to the bedroom for the main event.She dressed my mate in a fresh rubber jacket and made herself comfortable on the bed.I wanted to sample the gravy.'No!'Some English then.No matter I clambered on top and proceded to have my fun.Not unusually my mate began to fall asleep on the job.I pulled out,got on my back and removed the jacket for another go at the mouth.She was right on it like a dog with a bone.My mate sprang back in to life.Naughty boy spit right in her mouth and almost choked her as she wasn't ready for, or expecting, this. She jumped up grimacing and reached for my bottled water.She was half spitting and half rinsing.I decided I really didn't want that particular bottle back and decided to donate it.
I helped her to dress,kissed her,carefully,on the cheek and escorted her to the door.
Another notch on the Belfast.
This review cannot be guaranteed as 100% accurate in timings or verify any true identity and therefore may not be used for any legal account of any event actually taking place. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.
Report posted on 11:57 AM, 27-07-2017 by Marshall
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