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This review has been viewed 6403 times
Field report for Wonderlounge Party of Wonderlounge Bury
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Telephone: 0161 762 5379

Visit date: 28-7-11 12.00pm
The call was an Incall

Duration: 3 hours
Fees: £ 160

Recommended: Yes
Would Return: Yes

3 hour party with 8 girls and about 20 men!!
I have to say I had to brave up to do a party.

Anyway very friendly place, well organised and professional. arrived and afer having been already told there were 7 girls and 12 men the day before, I was a little suprised to find there was between 20-22 men anyway we were quickly told more girls were being drafted in and to be fair I believe they tried their best, this was backed up by other punters who said there was normally a much better ratio. I believe 2 girls didn't show one with good excuse.

Anyway all I can say is there were 8 girls 4 super hotties, 2 pretty good lookers and 2 not so good lookers (to my personal taste anyway) and over the 3 hours I got to easiy try them all even the not to good looking ones (would be rude to leave them out) and I got with 3 of the hotties twice :). I even had 3 of the girls to myself at times including 2 of the hotties.

I did sometimes find the other men off putting but at the same time some of the sights!! and the new things tried, I had never even doubled up on a girl before let alone 3 girls and 7 guys on a big bed, hands and legs everywhere LOL

A complete adventure I defo had tired legs and a sore knob after!!

Got to give credit to all the girls who seemed well into it and got everyone up for it, don't know how they managed!! with so much attention.

Would I do it again erm!!! Yes :) but as a rare treat not for me every month but that is again personal taste. If parties are your thing you will love it!!

The girls ranged from good to amazing!!!
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Report posted on 05:58 PM, 29-07-2011 by
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