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This review has been viewed 7532 times
Field report for Amelie of Amour Escorts - Newcastle
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Telephone: 07923000838

Visit date: 20th April 12 noon
The call was an Incall

Duration: 1 hout
Fees: £ 30

Recommended: Yes
Would Return: Yes

Six foot tall blonde,shoulder length hair,large breasts
I had the great good fortune to win one of the prizes in the March raffle.As I don't live in the North East I booked on the train a week earlier and took pot luck on who might be available for an in call.I have used this agency before and I have always been well satisfied with the ladies I have met.I had had a session with Amelia in mind due to this and I took the opportunity to visit her.When I called to claim my prize I agreed to pay an extra £30 to top up to an hour.
I got lost on the Metro system on my way to her flat and had to notify the agency I would be a little late.
I was greeted at the door by a six foot tall very bubbly lady. Great start.
I followed her up the stairs apologising for being late.Got in to the bedroom and while I started to remove my jacket she set about my trousers. My goodness.
She then proceeded to tickle my testicles.Great stuff.
I laid down on the bed and she proceeded to give me the best blow job I have had in my life.Right down to the pebbles. Lots of slaver and heavy sucking.Phew!I was wondering if I would get out of there alive.
She then lay down beside me and ordered me to 'stick your fingers in there' as she opened her legs and displayed her femininity to me.Good job I had trimmed my nails.
The sucking continued,much to my pleasure.
She then squatted over me and proceeded to ride me.Good Lord.
I asked her to sit on my face as I adore the taste of a fresh fanny.Tremendous.
She squatted on me again. Would you believe it I lost my desire?
What a fucking embarrassment. I put it down to getting myself tensed up about being late.
Give the lady her due she was very good about this and offered a massage to make up my time.We proceeded to have a chat and KT was amazing how much we had in common in our life experiences.
If anyone likes six foot,sultry and sexy sirens make an appointment with Amelia.I can assure you you will not be disappointed. A lovely lady indeed.
This review cannot be guaranteed as 100% accurate in timings or verify any true identity and therefore may not be used for any legal account of any event actually taking place. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.
Report posted on 10:18 AM, 02-05-2017 by Marshall
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